Frequently Asked Questions


What Are Your Program Hours?

Illinois State requires 350 hours of training and it will take approximately 2-4 months to finish and it all depends on your input with our classes.

When will the new class start?

The school has an open enrollment, so you can start anytime after the the down payment is paid. Lean at your own pace.

How to enroll in school?

We recommend that each student stop by and see the school before enrollment. Since, we have open enrollment, you are welcome to enroll when you are ready! We are ready to answer all your questions. All tours are by appointment only!


It’s simple. Download the app from Zoom’s website on to your phone or computer. We will send you a link to start your class by entering your ID and passcode. Class schedules, ID and passcode will be given to you once you register.

How does the payment work?

You can either pay the full tuition fee, or we offer payment plans with a down payment. Please check the promotions page for the current payment schedule.

What are the class schedules?

We open weekly Mon 10am - 2pm, Tue - Thu 10am - 6pm, Fri 10am - 2pm, Sat 10am - 3pm, Sun Closed. You can come anytime within these hours and as frequently to finish up the 350 hours training course.


If you have more questions about A+ Nail school we are here to answer. Reach out to us and we'll respond as soon as we can.